Hot Fudge Sundaes

Hot Fudge Sundae

Here’s a story for you to consider: supposedly ice cream sundaes were invented to take the place of ice cream sodas at a when they were not allowed to be served on Sundays because of blue laws that censored soda sales on the Sabbath.





2 scoops ice cream; anything you like with chocolate fudge, and they can be different flavors and you don’t have to limit yourself to either 2 flavors or 2 scoops


A few spoonfuls of warm Hot Fudge Sauce

A few spoonfuls of Whipped Cream

Other toppings such as a maraschino cherry (not politically correct as a real food, but you don’t have to tell), sprinkles, nuts


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▪ Warm the sauce in a saucepan over low heat or in a microwave oven and spoon over the ice cream


▪ Scoop the ice cream into a bowl.


▪ Load on some whipped cream. It’s not essential, but if you like whipped cream you’ll want an excuse to gorge on it.


▪ Top with anything else you like – or just go for the essentials.