Bread Pudding

Bread Pudding

Bread pudding has been around for centuries and shows up all over the globe in different cuisines. Its origin probably owes to a frugal use of stale bread, but it can quickly be elevated to a classy offering by using rich ingredients. What I love about bread pudding besides the taste and texture is the element of surprise. It’s not one of those foods that is part of our daily lives, but we probably consume its ingredients in other combinations every day.


You’ll need two baking dishes, a 1 quart dish to hold the pudding and a larger one that the pudding dish will fit into with room to add water to the larger dish, creating a water bath for the pudding dish. This is also called a bain Marie. The water acts as insulation so the pudding will not cook at too high a heat.





 tablespoon butter

½ cup dark brown sugar


French bread torn into 1-inch chunks (about half a large bread) equal to about 4 cups


2 c. milk

2 eggs

½ cup sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

⅛ teaspoon allspice


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    Preheat the oven to 350° F.


    Rub butter all over the bottom and sides of a 1 quart baking dish, then spread the brown sugar evenly over the bottom of the dish.


    Put the bread cubes in a bowl and add the milk, stirring gently to ensure the milk is distributed evenly, and let sit 10 minutes or so until the bread has absorbed the milk.


    Put the eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and allspice in a bowl and beat together until smooth.


    Pour the egg mixture over the bread chunks and gently stir it to combine.


    Pour the combined bread and egg mixture into the prepared baking dish, being careful not to disturb the brown sugar.


    Set the baking dish in a larger baking dish, then boil some water. Place the pans in the oven and carefully add the boiled water to the larger dish to a depth of 1 inch.


    Bake for 1 to 1¼ hours, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. If it looks like it is getting too brown before it is ready, cover with aluminum foil.


   Serve slightly warm or at room temperature, but store leftovers in the refrigerator.