Spinach with Oil and Garlic

Spinach with Oil & Garlic

This is a two-part steam then sauté recipe. Aside from having to wash two pans, it’s really very easy.





2 pounds spinach

2 tablespoons olive oil

A clove of garlic, minced

A pinch crushed red pepper flakes


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▪ Wash the spinach thoroughly, immersing it in a bowl of cold water, and if it seems particularly sandy repeat with a second bowl of fresh, cold water. Break off any tough stems and discard any imperfect leaves. Transfer the spinach to a saucepan and cover with a tight-fitting lid. The water that is still clinging to the spinach leaves will be enough to steam them.


▪ Set the pan over high heat and cook for 2 minutes until the spinach is wilted but still bright green. Remove from heat and pour the spinach into a colander, pressing the leaves to extract as much water as possible.


▪ Put the olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat and add the garlic. Cook for 2 or 3 minutes until it softens. Add the spinach and stir it to coat with the oil. Heat for a few minutes stirring occasionally until it is warm enough to serve. Add the crushed red pepper flakes, remove from heat and transfer to a serving bowl.