Home Fries

Home Fries

Home fries are pretty versatile, and my favorite way to eat them is with eggs for breakfast. You can use any kind of potatoes and either pre-cook them or not. I like red potatoes because they hold their shape, as would other waxy potatoes. Russets are softer and will crumble a bit, but that may be your goal; peel them if you like, but remember all the good nutrients are in the skin. I also pre-cook the potatoes a bit, cutting them into cubes first and then giving them 5 minutes in boiling water. This softens the outsides which adds more texture to the browning and crisping about to take place, and I feel like the square shape also adds to the crunchy texture. You can cut your potatoes any way you like: chunks, cubes, slices, slabs. And finally, you can add whatever you like to these: onions, peppers and garlic should be cooked first in a little oil, then set aside and added back at the end. Add herbs and spices at the end, too: paprika, parsley, thyme or rosemary.


If you own a cast iron skillet, you can put it to good use here to make the fries brown and crispy, and less likely to stick to the pan. Alternatively, if you are choosing between a pan with a non-stick coating or one without, go with the coated one.





4 to 5 red potatoes

1 tablespoons butter or margarine

1 tablespoon cooking oil


Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


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▪ Scrub the potatoes and cut them into ⅜-inch cubes. Put the potatoes in a pot, add cold water to cover the potatoes, and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook for 5 minutes then drain off the water. Return the potatoes to the pot and then shake the pot over high heat for 15 seconds or so to evaporate the water clinging to them and rough up the exterior of the pieces.


▪ Heat the butter or margarine plus the oil in a large frying pan on medium heat. Add the potatoes, spreading them out in one layer. Cook for about 5 minutes until the bottoms are browned, then turn so another side of the potato cubes can brown. Repeat this until the potatoes are browned all over. Total cooking time will be around 20 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, toss, and they are ready to serve.