Glazed Carrots

When you are considering vegetables, don’t forget about carrots just because they aren’t green. If you need something green, serve a green salad along with the carrots. Both of these would be nice accompaniments to a roast chicken.





6 carrots

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon brown sugar

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

A pinch of nutmeg

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley


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▪ Trim off both ends of the carrots, peel and rinse them, and slice them crosswise on the diagonal, about ¼ inch thick. Insert a steaming rack in a saucepan with a tightly fitting cover. Add water just up to the bottom of the steaming rack, add the carrots, cover, and set on high heat.


▪ Check after 5 minutes to see if they are done. A paring knife should glide easily into a piece of carrot, or you can test by tasting. It should be soft enough to bite into but with a little resistance and not mushy. Remove from the heat.


▪ Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat and stir in the brown sugar. Add the carrots, salt and pepper, and nutmeg. Cook for a few minutes until they are warm enough to serve. Remove from heat, transfer to a serving bowl, and sprinkle with parsley.