Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob is definitely a seasonal offering. If you need to eat corn out of season I recommend buying a bag of frozen loose corn, but when you can get fresh corn on the cob indulge in it as often as you like to make up for the lean times.





4 ears of corn


Butter and salt for serving


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▪ Shuck the corn, also remove the silky hairs, and place it in a large pot that has a tightly fitting cover. Add water to a depth of about 1½ inches, cover, and set on high heat. The corn will cook from the steam that is produced.


▪ The corn will take 5 to 10 minutes to cook, and the timing also depends upon your taste. Check it by pulling off a kernel and biting into it.


▪ When it is done to your taste, serve it right away. Butter and salt are the classic accompaniments.