
Beets seem to polarize people, but I love their earthy, sweet flavor and the colorful jolt they put on your plate. Cooked beets are delicious with just a dab of butter allowed to melt over them, as well as part of a cold salad. Here are a couple of ways to prepare them for either hot or cold eating. 



1 pound of fresh beets will serve 4 people as a vegetable side dish; weight does not include greens.


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▪ Trim the greens and the roots close to the beets, but not so short that you cut into the beets. Leave the peels on.


▪ Put the beets in a pot, cover with water, then cover with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat.


▪ Medium sized beets will take approximately 30 minutes to cook. Test for doneness by piercing with the tip of a paring knife which will glide in easily when they are cooked. Remove from the heat, and peel them when they are cool enough to handle. Serve warm with butter, or use in another recipe.




▪ Preheat the oven to 400° F. Trim the greens and the roots close to the beets, but not so short that you cut into the beets. Leave the peels on.


▪ Put the beets in a baking dish, add about a tablespoon of olive oil, and turn the beets in the oil to coat them thoroughly.


▪ Bake in the oven for an hour, then test for doneness by piercing with the tip of a paring knife which will glide in easily when they are cooked. Remove from the oven, and peel them when they are cool enough to handle. Serve warm with butter, or use in another recipe.