Broiled Halibut


I’ll admit this is a bit esoteric, but if you have the chance to try fresh halibut, I urge you to do so. Its flavor is delicate and a bit sweet, and the meat is soft, white and firm, separating into flakes. It doesn’t need much – a pat of butter, a sprinkling of paprika and a quick broil.





1 ½ pounds halibut steaks or fillets


1 tablespoon butter



Lemon wedges for serving

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• Place the halibut on the top rack of a two-piece broiling pan. If you have fillets place them skin side down; they will not need to be turned during cooking. If you have steaks they will be turned so both sides are exposed to the heat source.


• Cut the butter into small pieces to scatter on top of the halibut. If you are cooking steaks, reserve half for the other side. If you are cooking fillets go ahead and use all the butter on the top side. Sprinkle with paprika.


• Set the oven rack so the halibut will be about 4 inches from the heating coils. Preheat the broiler, and then put the halibut under it. Steaks will take 6 to 8 minutes each side. When the halibut looks white and opaque, turn it over. Dot it with the remaining butter, sprinkle with paprika, and cook the other side. If you are cooking fillets, they will take a total time of 10 to 15 minutes, depending on their size. Both the steaks and fillets will be done when the halibut has turned white, the tops are a little brown and bubbly, and the fish flakes easily.


• Serve with wedges of lemon to squeeze over the halibut.