
Please don't skip breakfast. Whatever you are going to do you'll do it better if you've eaten. I know you've heard that before, and that it takes a lot of extra effort when you probably don't have time, but with a little planning ahead you can toast a defrosted bagel while you're brushing your teeth and eat it on the run. Another day, when you have time to prepare a meal for breakfast or brunch you can go all out.


I’m sure you know how great eggs are. They are nutritionally complete, packed with protein and all the essential amino acids your body needs. Fresh eggs are a real treat, and I mean really fresh as in a few days old. The yolks are deep gold in color and sit high above the whites. The taste is incomparable to eggs that are weeks old. If you can find fresh eggs, do try them.


Fresh fruit enhances any breakfast meal. Look for fruits in season and when they fail you, go for the year-round global market for bananas, berries, melons, pineapple, kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, mangos…Make a fruit salad!