Pantry Essentials

There is real merit in having a well-stocked pantry, refrigerator and freezer. By keeping on hand basic ingredients that you use often:


▪ You always have the option of whipping up something or other at a moment’s notice.


▪ You can avoid last minute crises that arise when you discover, midway through a project, that you are out of a critical ingredient.


▪ You can take advantage of sale prices or buying in bulk when there are savings.


I also recommend you devise a system for keeping track of when items need to be replaced. For some things you may want to keep an extra on hand as back-up and then replace it as soon as you start using it. For example, if you like to do a lot of baking you’ll want to keep extra flour, sugar, and enough other regularly used items so you can make your favorites whenever the mood strikes you.


Your list of essentials will be subjective and based on your experience, but to get you started here are lists that support most of this recipe collection: